C.A.S.S.' Perspective

A compassionate response to the challenges a family face when their lived experience includes autism cannot really be studied for. There’s a sensitivity that you develop as a result of going through “it.” “It” is the realisation that you have got a battle on your hands to meet the needs of your child, to meet your need to be the best parent you can be. “It” is the helplessness you feel knowing that the system is being slow to respond because of its constraints and that the months and years are passing. “It” leaves you weary, can make you cry, and feels like no one will ever truly understand your situation. Only you can truly define “it” but with her family having been through “it,” C.A.S.S. recognises “it.” Cassandra’s Autism Support Service is designed so that you do not have to go through “it” alone.

Been there,

done that,

got the t'shirt!

The Benefit To You

Focusing On Different Abilities Not Disabilities

It took years for the system to acknowledge our situation. We only wanted a diagnosis so that resources could be signposted, labels don’t acknowledge individuality! Despite needing reasonable adjustments, nothing happened quickly……..most unreasonable! It affected our lives.

We kept each other sane despite the strain but time and again we went looking for support that wasn’t there. As a parent I skilled up. Fortunately my studies and career were directly linked to my family’s needs. Along the way I met many who needed help and helped where I could.

It’s ok to be different. It’s not the individual that’s the issue, it’s how the individual is responded to. On so many occasions the uniqueness of autism has positively enriched our lives. I’ve learnt so much on our journey……maybe I could support you on yours.