Initial meetings (£free)

Using your completed form as our starting place we will spend approximately half an hour, via an online platform or by phone, exploring what prompted you to get in touch. C.A.S.S. will happily answer any initial questions you may have. We will explore the idea of working together and what that may involve. If we agree to go ahead, we will then book in a ‘Focus Session.’ The aim is to ensure that C.A.S.S. is equipped to help you and prevent false hope or time-wasting.

Focus session (costs will be confirmed during the initial meeting).

During approximately a one hour session we will look in greater depth at the details of your story, the situation you find your family in and what outcomes you are hoping for. Combining this information with details from the initial meeting, a professional judgment will be given in deciding which C.A.S.S. ABC services are appropriate to your needs. We will discuss how services can be tailored to you specifically and agree costings. The outcome of this session will be confirmed by email.

ABC services

(costs will be confirmed during the focus meeting).

Your particular needs will be met through ABC services which are available by phone, through online platforms or face to face. Face to face sessions have been impacted on by Government guidelines due to COVID-19 but C.A.S.S. is happy to discuss appropriate suggestions and possibilities. Helpline style conversations are charged as per all ABC services unless otherwise agreed and confirmed in writing.

Points To Note

C.A.S.S.  fees reflect the costs of time spent, professional membership fees, continuing professional development, public liability and indemnity insurance and administrative costs.


Should you require urgent or immediate attention you may wish to contact one of the organisations listed under ‘SIGNPOSTS TO USEFUL INFORMATION’ on the contact page of this site.


C.A.S.S. offers a limited number of lower cost services to people experiencing genuine hardship e.g. on a low income or in receipt of benefits. If you wish to enquire about low cost sessions please make this clear so that we can discuss this in the initial meeting or focus session.


C.A.S.S. will also tailor service costs to accommodate families who wish to access ABC services via direct payments from a social care package. In some cases it may be possible to arrange service provision on a casual contract basis to accommodate occasional usage, especially in terms of facilitating autistic individuals accessing the community independently.


C.A.S.S. is happy to discuss proposals from corporate clients in line with their budgetary constraints.

A - Advocacy Services
B - Befriending Services
C - Corporate Services